
I would like to take this time to THANK YOU for your support and invite you to add your testimonial to this page, as it is very important to all of us.
This page is not intended for those who indulge in negative comments, fowl language to redirect or manipulate others.
Your words will tell your story. It will set in motion energy and vibration for others. It is here we all work together to help each other understand and realize the messages of this book.
Please feel free to express your feelings and experiences while reading Twilight of a New Day: A Catastrophic Event, as others may also feel this and not be able to share it as you do.
Reflection and forethought can be used and will enable you to come to terms with the information and your part in the scheme of things to come.
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This page is not intended for those who indulge in negative comments, fowl language to redirect or manipulate others.
Your words will tell your story. It will set in motion energy and vibration for others. It is here we all work together to help each other understand and realize the messages of this book.
Please feel free to express your feelings and experiences while reading Twilight of a New Day: A Catastrophic Event, as others may also feel this and not be able to share it as you do.
Reflection and forethought can be used and will enable you to come to terms with the information and your part in the scheme of things to come.
If you wish to leave your comment or review, please use the contact form at the bottom of the page.
Thank you....
From YOU...Beverly Wilson
03/01/2012 15:05 h This is riveting reading material and it is throughout the entire book, as I have observed its creation. It keeps a person enthralled through each chapter. It leads us to contemplate what the universe is trying to teach all mankind. We have witnessed the devastation that has already taken place. This book is written to make all individuals understand and to stand together in love and peace. This is wonderfully written Barbara. May people reach out and read this book as it will enhance your mind in all its detail and change your beliefs in how we perceive events. Congratulations Barbara Jayne, wonderful insight you have passed onto people Thanking you |
From YOU...Carol Gregg
03/01/2012 05:29 h This book will aid all of us in our awakening. It is wisdom from a higher source. Thank you Barbara for sharing!! Cassy Taylor 02/18/2012 13:47 h This book has got me thinking about the future and it is a little scary for me. Reading it I thought, is this really happening and then Haiti was hit. This has strengthened my belief but created many fears too. I will continue to read on and take it in slowly. |
04/21/2012 02:57 h I am reading the book and finding the Author to be very articulate. The book is very condensed and I have a over all feeling of well being. I will read this again to grasp all its content and messages Kathryn 03/28/2012 05:57 h I really enjoyed your book. I thought the events chapter was very interesting. I agree and have a strong belief that things are changing and that there will be people who emerge to lead. However, Obama in my opinion is not the one; not because I have any insight or talent like you, but simple because to me he seems to be a divider not a leader. Having said that, people change and time will tell. I also thought the messages for Obama and others were interesting. |
11/03/2012 03:30 h I read your book. It's so well written, loving, hopeful and honest about these changes. Still keeping in the centre of peace, bliss, Truth. peace, blessings, love Shannon 03/25/2012 07:15 h I read the Events chapter and was surprised with the detail. I like how it was followed up by the Effects chapter. This explained the previous chapter and enhanced the details of the events. Jay 03/02/2012 12:42 h You know - it really is this easy! Read Twilight of a New Day and listen to the messages. Such great guidance, this will help millions of people |

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